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Status of Knowledge in the Netherlands (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 244-264, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ-137844)

NCJ Number
J Van Dijk
Date Published
21 pages
This article summarizes preventive policy and research in the Netherlands.
Victimization studies show the Netherlands as one of Europe's leaders in crime. In 1985, the Commission for the Social Prevention of Delinquency was created to direct the country's preventive policy and fund local preventive programs. As examples of the commission's activities, five preventive programs are described: surveillance agents patrolling the public transportation systems, prevention of absenteeism in schools, out of court settlements of minor juvenile offenses, neighborhood improvement programs, and crime prevention programs for shopping centers. Though official police crime statistics have held steady since 1984, several victimization surveys show a decrease in crime. The Dutch approach to drug abuse is realistic and pragmatic and provides health care and psychological support to drug users, but it only prosecutes drug trafficking. Research indicates that this policy has met with success. Drug abuse has at least stabilized, and some dangerous drugs such as cocaine and crack have not reached the dimensions of other countries. 35 references