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Statistics on Women Working in the Criminal Justice System

NCJ Number
Date Published
3 pages
This collection of statistics on women who work in the criminal justice system in England and Wales reports the numbers of police officers, magistrates, justices' clerks, lawyers, crown prosecutors, judges, probation officers, and prison service staff.
Twelve percent of the 127,127 police officers were women as of December 31, 1991. On January 1, 1992, 13,336 (45 percent) lay magistrates were women. Eighteen (8 percent) of the 240 justices' clerks in England and Wales were women as of August 1, 1992. There were 19,987 (28 percent) women solicitors enrolled with the Law Society on July 31, 1992. As of May 18, 1992, 265 (53 percent) of the basic grade crown prosecutors, 316 (47 percent) of the 678 senior crown prosecutors, and 176 (32 percent) of the principal crown prosecutors were women. On August 1, 1992, 22 (5 percent) of the 478 circuit judges and 3 (4 percent) of the High Court judges were women. Figures on women probation officers as of December 31, 1991 show 3,390 (47 percent) probation officer grades, 2,954 (53 percent) maingrade probation officers, 374 (32 percent) senior probation officers, 53 (23 percent) assistant and deputy chief probation officers, and 8 (15 percent) chief probation officers. For the 1990-1991 year, 392 (16 percent) of the 2,501 prison officers recruited were women. 10 references