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Statistics of Offenses Against Prison Discipline and Punishments, England and Wales, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
28 pages
This report presents statistics regarding inmate disciplinary violations and their punishment in England and Wales in 1991.
More than 85,500 offenses against prison discipline were punished that year, an increase of 4.5 percent over 1990. The number of punished offenses in proportion to the inmate population also increased to 1.9 offenses per inmate. The rates were 2.9 for females and 1.9 for males. The Boards of Visitors punished 4.7 percent of the offenses, the lowest proportion since 1987. The most frequent offenses were disobedience, abusive language and other forms of disrespect, and offenses against good order and discipline. Forfeiture of remission and reduction or suspension of earnings were the most common penalties. Nearly 23 percent of all punishments were suspended. Data tables


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