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Statistical Tables Describing the Background Characteristics and Recidivism Rates for Releases From Massachusetts Pre-Release Facilities During 1987, Appendix to Report

NCJ Number
L Lorant
Date Published
140 pages
This report presents a statistical description of offenders released to the street from Massachusetts correctional facilities with a prerelease component during 1987, with corresponding recidivism rates.
Statistics are given for three facilities combining minimum and prerelease populations, State prerelease facilities, a drug rehabilitation program, and seven contract prerelease facilities. Information contained in the report includes recidivism rates with regard to release variables, nature of present offense, personal background, criminal history, furlough participation, and release followup variables. Each table contains two types of information: (1) statistical data describing characteristics of offenders released from each institution during 1987 and (2) recidivism rates cross-tabulated with each statistical data category for offenders. During 1987, 2,859 offenders (2,278 males and 581 females) were released from Massachusetts facilities after incarceration of at least 30 days. 57 tables