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Statistical Tables Describing the Background Characteristics and Recidivism Rates for Releases From Massachusetts Correctional Institutions During 1988

NCJ Number
L Lorant; M A White
Date Published
87 pages
This report presents a statistical description of offenders released from Massachusetts Department of Correction facilities during 1988, along with corresponding recidivism rates.
The information encompasses recidivism rates in accordance with release variables, the nature of the present offense, personal background, criminal history, furlough participation, and release follow-up variables. Each table contains two types of information: statistical data that describe characteristics of offenders released from each security level during 1988 and the rates of recidivism for each of the categories of the statistical data for these offenders. Data indicate that the recidivism rate in 1988 was 31 percent, a 3-percent increase from the 1987 rate. The recidivism rate varied by security level of the institutions from which the offender was released: 46 percent for maximum, 39 percent for medium, 30 percent for minimum, 18 percent for minimum prerelease, 30 percent for State prerelease, and 18 percent for contract prerelease. From 1987 to 1988, the recidivism rate for releases from maximum or medium security institutions increased from 36 percent to 40 percent, and the recidivism rate for releases from lower security facilities increased from 20 percent to 21 percent. 9 tables