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Statistical Survey - Borstal Schools

NCJ Number
Social Defence Volume: 17 Issue: 66 Dated: (October 1981) Pages: 51-59
Date Published
9 pages
Detailed statistics for 1977 are presented for borstal schools and their residents in eight Indian States.
Borstal schools have been established in different States under the provisions of their Borstal Schools Acts for the detention, treatment, training, and rehabilitation of adolescent offenders. Inmates are given vocational training for such occupations as welding, carpentry, painting, diesel mechanics, stenography, electrical repairs, and refrigeration. Education programs are designed primarily to keep inmates occupied and to socialize them. Detention periods average from 2-5 years. The 1977 tabular data presented cover (1) the number of schools, their location, capacity, and daily average population; (2) the number of trainees admitted and discharged; (3) the classification of trainees discharged by mode of discharge; (4) the classification of trainees by age and state of health; (5) the classification of trainees by mental and physical condition and handicap; (6) the classification of trainees admitted by offense; (7) the number of trainees released on license; and (8) school expenditures.