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Statistical Report, United States Attorney's Office, Fiscal Year 1982

NCJ Number
Date Published
83 pages
Criminal filings with U.S. Attorney offices during fiscal year (FY) 1982 amounted to 29,332, an increase of 585 or 2.03 percent more than the number filed during FY 1981.
Of the total number of criminal filings, 74.26 percent involved 14 offenses. The greatest volume of filings were in controlled substances (4,314), fraud versus government (2,205), weapons control (1,944), bank robbery (1,813), immigration (1,536), banks and banking (1,468), postal crimes (1,340), income tax (1,168), and mail and wire fraud (1,152). Cases terminated increased 968 or 3.5 percent more than the previous year's total. Of 28,556 cases closed, 17,753 involving 24,018 defendants were pleas of guilty; 3,067 of 4,979 defendants were found guilty after trial, and 590 of 1,161 defendants were found not guilty. The pending caseload showed an increase of 776 or 3.22 percent over FY 1981. Grand jury proceedings, comprised of 16,989 indictments and 75 No True Bills, amounted to 17,064, an increase of 1.7 percent over the prior fiscal year. Complaints received during FY 1982 decreased to 94,883, or 4.23 percent less than the 99,067 received in FY 1981. Civil cases filed amounted to 74,409, an increase of 3,364 or 4.73 percent more than the previous year's total. This figure included 13,760 cases filed in State court and 2,882 civil appeals filed. Of civil cases, 8,939 were suits in which the government as defendant was sued for $1.28 billion. Civil cases pending at the end of the fiscal year increased by 12,091 or 11.76 percent to 114,853. A total of 687,801 hours were spend in court during FY 1982, and increase of 92,576 or 15.55 percent more than FY 1981. Cash collections and other recoveries for FY 1982 amounted to $289 million, a 27.44-percent increase over FY 1981. Detailed statistical charts and tables are provided.

Corporate Author
US Dept of Justice

600 E Street, NW, Room 8000, Bicentennial Building, Washington, DC 20530-0001, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

US Dept of Justice

600 E Street, NW, Room 8000, Bicentennial Building, Washington, DC 20530-0001, United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services

Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States

Publication Type
United States of America