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Statistical Handbook - Selected Aspects of Criminal Justice

NCJ Number
Date Published
173 pages
Canadian criminal justice statistics for the years 1965 through 1975 are presented.
Sections focus on reported crime, court convictions and dispositions, correctional institutions, and penitentiaries. Others are concerned with parole, homicide, and the administration of justice. In summary, the violent crime index rate in 1974 was 99 per 100,000, a 22-percent increase over 1973's rate and a 161-percent increase over that for 1965. For 1974, victim rates were 2.6 for murder/manslaughter, 8.2 for rape, 12 for wounding/attempted murder, and 76 for robbery. Between 1968 and 1972, conviction rates averaged 87 percent for females and 88 percent for males. The use of nonincarcerative dispositions increased during this period. Canada's rate of imprisonment remained less than half that of the United States and was similar to that of other industrialized Commonwealth countries, such as New Zealand, Australia, and England. For the period 1968 through 1974, the average time served for habitual criminals released on first parole was 6.1 years, while for dangerous sexual offenders, it was 8.6 years. Data tables, charts, and graphs are included.