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Statistical Evaluation of the Evidential Value of Human Hairs Possibly Coming from Multiple Sources

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 36 Issue: 4 Dated: (July 1991) Pages: 1053-1058
K Hoffmann
Date Published
6 pages
A probabilistic interpretation of human hair evidence from the scene of a crime or on suspects' clothing is presented using a well-structured large database and a special computer program.
The algorithm for the program uses the Bayesian approach which, in contrast to the method of Aitken and Robertson, admits the existence of multiple sources for the examined hairs. The application of this concept to forensic science casework requires special software with incrimination probability output. The problem of multiple sources is handled within the software by simulation of different partitions of the recovered hairs and determination of those clusters which minimize the incrimination probability. In this way, an unjustified incrimination for the suspect by not identifying the true clusters can be avoided. The advantages of this hair examination program include objectivity, high effectivity, and high quality of derived decisions. 12 references (Author abstract modified)


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