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Statistical Description of Residents of Massachusetts Correctional Institutions on January 1, 1990

NCJ Number
L K Holt
Date Published
234 pages
This report presents a statistical description on present offense and sentence, personal background, criminal history, and furlough program participation of 7,553 individuals in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Correction on January 1, 1990.
The 7,553 inmates represent a 12-percent increase over 1989 and a 53-percent increase over 1985. Between 1985 and 1990 the proportion of Hispanic offenders, offenders age 30 or older, and drug offenders increased and the proportion of furlough program participants decreased. Currently, 47 percent of the population is incarcerated for an offense against the person, 15 percent for a sex offense, 14 percent for a property offense, 20 percent for a drug offense, and 4 percent for some other offense.