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Statistical Description of Residents of the Massachusetts Correctional Institutions on January 1, 1982

NCJ Number
L T Williams
Date Published
126 pages
This report presents a statistical description of characteristics of the residents in each Massachusetts State correctional facility on Jan. 1, 1982.
This point-in-time profile contains information on present offense variables, personal background variables, criminal history, and furlough participation. On Jan. 1, 1982, there were 3,690 individuals incarcerated in the State correctional system, a 20-percent increase from the population of the previous year. A total of 687 persons were housed in maximum-security institutions; 2,108 housed in medium-security institutions; 416 in minimum-security institutions; and 479 in prerelease facilities. A total of 55 percent of the residents are serving maximum sentences of 12 years or less, 14 percent are lifers, and 5 percent are serving sentences of 2 years or less. Most (78 percent) residents are serving sentences for offenses versus person or sex offenses. The median age at incarceration was 24 years. The report details information about the nature of present offense, personal background characteristics, criminal history variables, and furlough variables. A glossary is supplied. (Author summary modified)