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Statistical Description of Releases From Massachusetts Correctional Institutions During 1988

NCJ Number
L Lorant; R Tenaglia Jr
Date Published
198 pages
This report presents a statistical description of the 3,446 offenders released from Massachusetts Department of Correction's institutions during 1988; information on trends among releases over the last 5 years is also included.
The 3,446 releases in 1988 constituted a 12-percent increase over 1987 releases and a 62-percent increase over 1984 releases. The number of males released during 1988 increased by 6 percent from 1987, and the number of females released during 1988 increased by 20 percent. Fifty-four percent of all releases were by parole, 37 percent were by discharge, and 9 percent were by sentence expiration. Fifty-six percent were released from maximum-security or medium-security facilities, and 44 percent were released from lower security facilities. Many of those released from secure facilities were females who were serving county sentences or male parole violators. The average time served was 48.6 months for individuals incarcerated in Cedar Junction, 19.1 months for individuals who served Concord sentences, and 6 months for individuals who served Framingham sentences. Tables and a glossary