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Statement of Joseph E. Kelley on August 1, 1995 Concerning Drug War: Observations on U.S. International Drug Control Efforts Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation

NCJ Number
J E Kelley
Date Published
10 pages
This discussion of efforts by the United States to stop the production and trafficking of cocaine and heroin destined for the United States concludes that the effectiveness of the country's international drug control programs depends in large measure on the willingness and ability of foreign governments to combat the drug trade in their country.
The executive branch has changed the focus of its international strategy for cocaine from law enforcement and drug seizures in the transit zone to stopping drugs in the source countries before they reach the transit zone. However, the executive branch has had difficulty shifting resources from the transit zone to the source zone, and a proposed heroin strategy awaits the President's approval. Second, the United States has important foreign policy objectives other than drug control and must make tough choices as to which objectives to pursue most vigorously. Third, the many agencies involved in drug law enforcement do not always coordinate their efforts, and funds are not always well managed.


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