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State of the States Report - Statistical Analysis Centers (Emphasis Ohio)

NCJ Number
J J Knowles
Date Published
11 pages
The operations of Ohio's Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) are profiled and compared with those in the rest of the country.
For the most part, the analysis is confined to similarities and differences without rendering judgments of quality. Thrity-seven of the Nation's 40 SAC's responded to a questionnaire. The Ohio SAC is relatively new and is therefore behind most of the States in its funding cycle. As in 27 other States, the Ohio SAC is located within the Office of Criminal Justice Services, the State's Criminal Justice Council. Ohio was not among the 30 percent of the respondents who stated that current organizational constraints inhibited or impeded SAC operations. Although Ohio was the fourth largest of the 37 responding States in terms of population, it was only average with regard to staff size. Ohio's operational priorities are fairly consistent with those of other SAC's. Tables and figures are provided.