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State of Rhode Island 1995 Report on the Judiciary

NCJ Number
Date Published
97 pages
This report highlights the activities of the Rhode Island judicial system during calendar year 1995, so as to inform the members of the General Assembly and the public of these proceedings.
The unified judicial system of Rhode Island has continued to meet ever-increasing challenges of volume during the year. The Judicial Evaluation Committee, User Friendly Committee, and the Committee on Civility and Professionalism have focused on improving the performance and the image of the judiciary and the legal system. A new committee has been established to study the future of the courts into the 21st century. Traditional committees such as the Board of Bar Examiners, the Committee on Character and Fitness, the Disciplinary Board, the Commission on Mandatory Legal Education, as well as numerous other committees whose members are listed in this report have continued to make progress in their various areas of concern. The Rhode Island Supreme Court and all the trial courts have sought to perform efficiently so as to meet the challenges that have stemmed from the caseload volume. In spite of endemic shortages of personnel, the courts have managed to remain substantially current in dealing with the caseload. Appendixes contain the 1995 judicial roster and court directory, along with information on each court's criminal and civil case flow.


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