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State Protection for the Participants of Criminal Proceedings in the Russian Federation

NCJ Number
Internal Security Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Dated: July-December 2011 Pages: 147-155
Oleg Aleksandrovich Zaytsev
Date Published
December 2011
9 pages
This article covers the problematic questions concerning safety of the participants of the criminal procedure. Russia's integration into the main international pacts and conventions have the effect of forcing the country into bringing the law to accordance with international and European rules in terms of ensuring safety of participants of the criminal procedure.
Russia's integration into the main international pacts and conventions have the effect of forcing the country into bringing the law to accordance with international and European rules in terms of ensuring safety of participants of the criminal procedure. This requires introducing appropriate processes to allow the realization of international standards and principles having in mind the peculiarities of the development of the country's legal system. The main topic of this article is the theoretical and legal basis of state protection of participants of the criminal procedure in the Russian Federation. The author notes that in the middle 90s of the last century influencing the parties of the criminal procedure spread to other categories of criminal cases, making it a large socio-legal problem. This includes not only the witnesses, victims and other individuals involved in the process, but also judges, prosecutors and investigators, in connection with their professional actions. Russian academics were forced to draw on the experience of other countries of successfully running institutions and mechanisms that guarantee securing the rights and freedoms of witnesses, victims and other parties of the criminal procedure. On the basis of material gathered concerning the issue of safety of those connected with the trial-investigation process, the author proposes the priority branches of research in this domain. (Published Abstract)