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State of Maryland Department of State Police 1997 Annual Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
33 pages
This 1997 Annual Report of the Maryland Department of State Police contains examples of some of the accomplishments of the installations, divisions, and units, as well as statistical data on budget, arrests, and traffic fatalities.
Maryland State Police activities in 1997 show that the role of State troopers continues its evolution from reactive call- taker and retrospective investigator to proactive problem-solver. Units of work performed by troopers and their associated measures of performance have shifted from incidents, violations, and arrest rates to problems, neighborhoods, and quality of life. The State Police's efforts aimed at HotSpot communities and other community policing projects contributed to a safer Maryland. The HotSpot Communities Initiative is a coordinated State effort to support comprehensive neighborhood strategies to reduce crime and the fear of crime by providing a wide range of grants and targeted operational and technical assistance. Another effort in which the Maryland State Police have been involved is Aggressive Driver Imaging and Enforcement, a grant-funded pilot program intended to reduce traffic crashes, congestion, and aggressive driving on the Capital Beltway. A Maryland State Police mobile unit that contains a combination of the most advanced traffic enforcement technology available detects violators in areas of high traffic volume without contributing to congestion. Data are provided on traffic arrests by offense, traffic fatalities for each year from 1989 through 1997, and the number of arrests for driving while intoxicated for each year from 1993 through 1997. Charts show the organizational structure of the Maryland State Police Department.