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State-Level Detention Reform: A Practice Guide for State Advisory Groups

NCJ Number
Date Published
47 pages
This guide presents examples for State advisory groups to generate and lead effective State detention reform initiatives.
This is a Coalition for Juvenile Justice "how-to" guide designed for a highly specialized and specific audience: SAG members who advise and guide the implementation of the Federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) in the States, territories, and District of Columbia. SAG members are juvenile justice leaders, professionals, practitioners, and citizen-volunteers appointed by governors or chief executives, and charged under the JJDPA to participate in: the development and evaluation of the State juvenile justice plan; the review of sub-grant applications for receipt of Federal JJDPA funds; efforts to ensure their State's compliance with the purposes and requirements of the JJDPA. Included in the focus on SAG member-leaders are State staff who work side-by-side with the SAGs to fulfill the purposes and mandates of the JJDPAthe State juvenile justice specialists, DMC disproportionate minority contact) coordinators, and compliance monitors. This guide is based on examples of SAG members' leadership and highly dedicated work in key States that have been front-runners in advancing the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) via SAG leadership. SAG leadership is one of many ways that jurisdictions throughout the Nation have begun to explore and implement JDAI. 25 notes