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State Legislation on Domestic Violence - A Resource Collection for Policymakers and Advocates

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This domestic violence resource collection contains This domestic violence resource collection contains pamphlets, newsletters, and articles of interest to State policymakers and advocates.
Two issues of 'Response to Violence in the Family and Sexual Assault' contain articles on patterns of institutional sexual assault, sexual harassment, child abuse, rape in the military, domestic violence prosecution policies, and State domestic violence legislation. A model State act is included that facilitates the victim's access to the courts, provides options for protection, and considers both punitive and rehabilitative dispositions for abusers. Also included is a booklet that describes legal options for battered women, including both civil and criminal remedies. Additional article reprints cover an Oregon decision to permit a battered woman to sue police for failure to enforce her protection order, a feminist critique of mediation in wife abuse cases, additional court decisions on wife abuse laws, and analysis of courts' response to battered women. Other materials include a wife abuse fact sheet, a list of publications available from the Center for Women Policy Studies, and an annotated 25-item bibliography on domestic violence.