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State of Kansas: Review of Authorities to Address Terrorism Weapons of Mass Destruction

NCJ Number
Date Published
86 pages
This is a review of Kansas State statutes that may be used to deal with a terrorist event.
In general, the Kansas statutes provide a solid foundation upon which the State can modify, strengthen, or clarify authorities to address terrorism. Many of the provisions used during natural disasters or other emergencies can be made applicable to events of terrorism. Communication and information sharing occur on a somewhat informal basis. The report suggests that the State may want to consider formalizing the existing Terrorism Working Group and developing a Terrorism Early Warning Group. Further, the State may want to examine security clearances for key personnel beyond law enforcement, on a need-to-know basis. Sharing intelligence information among emergency management, public health, and other agencies as needed may serve to interdict acts of terrorism or at least allow agencies and their resources to be on alert to respond to an event in ways that may minimize loss of life and overall devastation. Finally, the report recommends that the State develop terrorism specific protocols and regulations to clearly outline authorities and procedures for all agencies involved in terrorist preparedness and response. The report also includes specific recommendations for each discipline reviewed. Appendixes