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State of Juvenile Probation Activities in Texas Calendar Years 2009 and 2010

NCJ Number
Date Published
November 2011
121 pages
This annual activity report presents statistical and other data on Texas juvenile probation for calendar years 2009 and 2010.
Data and information address the magnitude and nature of juvenile criminal activity and the juvenile probation system's response. During calendar year 2010, Texas law enforcement agencies arrested 116,498 juveniles between the ages of 10 and 16. Of this number, 49,783 were either warned and released, processed in justice and municipal courts, or diverted to informal dispositions; and 66,715 were referred to juvenile probation departments. School, probation departments, municipal courts, and the Texas Youth Commission (TYC) referred another 19,833 cases, bringing the total handled by juvenile probation departments to 86,548 referrals to juvenile probation departments. This is a 9-percent decrease in referrals compared to year 2009. Delinquency offenses decreased 8 percent compared to 2009. Within the delinquent category of cases, homicide felony offense referrals decreased 22 percent, from 72 in 2009 to 56 in 2010. Violation of probation referrals decreased 5 percent, and misdemeanor and contempt offense referrals decreased 14 percent. Texas' 254 counties were served by 165 juvenile probation departments in 2010. These departments were staffed by 8,365 employees, 2,081 of whom managed a supervision caseload. Counties registered and operated 47 secure pre-adjudication residential facilities, 3 holdover facilities, 31 secure post-adjudication residential facilities, and 10 non-secure correctional facilities in 2010. In addition, private contractors provided services for juveniles in three pre-adjudication facilities and four post-adjudication secure facilities. These facilities provided a total of 3,054 pre-adjudication, 19 holdover, and 2,133 post-adjudication beds. Appendixes contain statewide summary and county-specific details.