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State Fusion Centers: Their Effectiveness in Information Sharing and Intelligence Analysis

NCJ Number
Renee Graphia Joyal
Date Published
217 pages
This book examines early evidence regarding fusion centers' ability to collect, analyze, and share intelligence proactively across jurisdictional and interdisciplinary boundaries.
This book contains 11 chapters: chapter 1 provides an introduction to the changes in policing and information sharing post 9/11; chapter 2 discusses the benefits of incorporating State, local, and tribal law enforcement into a cohesive force that can respond to a wider scope of threats, including terrorism; chapter 3 discusses the challenges of translating ideals and principles of intelligence-led policing into practical and measurable activities; chapter 4 discusses the fusion center structure and the ability of State, local, and tribal governments to be an active partner in the national effort to gather, analyze, and share threat information and intelligence via the fusion center structure; chapter 5 examines a case study to investigate the evolving sub-Federal level intelligence function as it occurs within fusion centers; chapter 6 discusses five themes that emerged during the study regarding the changes in policing over the years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the subsequent development of fusion centers; chapter 7 discusses whether the analytical function of the fusion center concept has developed reliable and robust predictive products and estimative capabilities. Chapter 8 explores whether fusion centers are effective at bridging the communication and collaboration gaps between agencies at all levels of government via streamlining the collection, analysis, and dissemination of information and criminal intelligence; chapter 9 examines the role management/leadership characteristic and individual/agency personalities play in the overall fusion center endeavor; chapter 10 discusses whether fusion centers' activities and products help law enforcement's abilities to perform traditional police tasks; and chapter 11 provides conclusions and discussions. Tables, figures, references, and index

Sale Source
LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC

Box 221258, El Paso, TX 79913, United States

Publication Format
Book (Hardbound)
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America