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State Emergency Response Commission for Hazardous Materials Annual Report 1999

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2000
35 pages
This document outlines legislation for the prevention of accidents of hazardous materials for the State of Florida.
The Florida government created a Compliance Verification and Enforcement Program which includes provisions for issuing Notices of Violation for failure to report or pay fees according to Federal and State requirements. Since this was established in 1989, no facility owner/operator had sought relief from alleged violations of the State and Federal law through formal administrative hearing channels until 1999. This was notable since, during that 10 year period more than 8,000 Notices of Violation were issued. The Department of Community Affairs and the State Emergency Response Commission have a user friendly, comprehensive Internet Web site that allows industry covered under the Department’s Hazardous Materials Program to meet its reporting obligations in a more efficient and much less burdensome manner than ever before. The Tier Two Work Group was charged with identifying areas for improvement to make annual chemical inventory reporting more efficient for industry and the agencies that compile the data for public access and emergency planning and response purposes. Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations Software, known as CAMEO, is a system of software applications used to plan for and respond to hazardous materials emergencies. Over the last decade CAMEO has evolved and is now also used as a planning tool for completing Hazards Analyses. The Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act creates a cooperative relationship among government, industry, and the general public to plan, prepare for, and manage chemical emergencies. Chemical facilities subject to the accidental release prevention and risk management planning requirements under Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act are required to prepare and implement a Risk Management Program and provide a Risk Management Plan which provides a summary of the program. 10 figures