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State Drug Resources: 1994 National Directory

NCJ Number
C Byrne
Date Published
142 pages
Information concerning State agencies that address drug abuse concerns is listed.

Organized by State, this comprehensive directory provides agency names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Also included are listings of Federal agencies that people frequently ask for information, as well as several quick references to State agencies by area of specialty. Also included is a description of the functions and responsibilities of the types of State agencies listed for each State. The individual State listings are organized alphabetically and give each agency's name, address, and telephone number. About 15 drug abuse, criminal justice, and policy offices are listed for each State. The State listings are followed by 14 appendixes that list federally sponsored drug control offices, national clearinghouses, national associations, and national drug abuse or criminal justice resources. As a quick reference, those drug control or statistical agencies common to each State have been assembled and listed alphabetically by State.