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State of Connecticut Annual Report of the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Enforcement Assistance Formula Grant Program

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
Connecticut's statewide drug and violence prevention strategy has four goals: reduce drug abuse by school children and juvenile and adult offenders; provide alternatives to incarceration as punishment options; make the judicial process more effective; and increase the response of law enforcement to drug trafficking and violent crime.
The most important goal is providing alternatives to incarceration because Connecticut has faced serious prison overcrowding since the late 1970's. The number of offenders in alternative incarceration programs has increased from 1,000 in 1990 to about 4,000 in 1994. The goal of improving the judicial process is met by two program types, managing criminal case flow and focusing prosecution and public defender resources on major drug trafficking cases. The goal of increasing the response of law enforcement to drug trafficking and violent crime is not emphasized as much as the other goals. The goal of preventing drug abuse by school children and offenders is accomplished by programs which focus on drug testing, assessment, and education. The coordination of drug law enforcement efforts in Connecticut is discussed, and programs which focus on drug and violence prevention are summarized.

Corporate Author
Connecticut Office of Policy and Management

Hartford, CT 06106, United States

Sale Source
Connecticut Office of Policy and Management

Hartford, CT 06106, United States

Publication Type
Report (Annual/Periodic)
United States of America