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State of the Bureau, 1990: Effectively Managing Crowded Institutions

NCJ Number
Date Published
31 pages
During 1990, the Federal Bureau of Prisons continued to do an effective job of managing the increasing numbers of prison inmates and the resulting crowding of Federal correctional institutions.
This growth has also contributed to changes in the Bureau's organization that will enable it to function even more effectively in the future. From 1980 to 1989, total Federal and State prison populations grew 115 percent, with the number of sentenced prisoners per 100,000 population setting a record of 274 at the end of 1989. The Bureau of Prisons was at 163 percent of capacity at the end of 1989. The growth rate has resulted from the "war on drugs" and from changes in public attitudes and Federal sentencing laws. The Bureau has changed its inmate classification to account for the sentencing changes. It has also successfully recruited additional correctional personnel to parallel the increase in the inmate population and has continued the rapid pace of new prison construction. Other developments have included an online data system, research in several areas, the expansion of community-based corrections and intermediate sanctions, and cooperation with other agencies. Data tables and photographs