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NCJ Number
Date Published
109 pages
This report presents summaries of State programs to counter violence and drug trafficking with funds provided under the Federal Formula Grant program.
The summaries describe the programs being funded, and some program evaluation results are provided. Programs frequently mentioned by the States are multijurisdictional drug task forces and the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Other programs and efforts described include career criminal prosecution, treatment for juvenile offenders, and various criminal justice information systems. Evidence of the success of some of the projects has been the high rate of adoption of a program by the sponsoring government when grant funds expire. Local DARE projects have been adopted, prison drug treatment programs have been expanded, and drug demand-reduction education continues. Most States have funded a broad range of programs that encompass drug law enforcement, drug treatment, and drug abuse prevention. The summaries also describe innovative programs that demonstrate new approaches to enforcement, prosecution, and adjudication of drug offenses and other serious crimes. Some reports outline future plans for countering drug-related and violent crime.