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Standards Manual

NCJ Number
Date Published
212 pages
The Maryland Commission on Correctional Standards is responsible for advising the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services about standards for State and local correctional facilities. These standards were developed using case law, model standards from other States, and consultations with other State and local agencies.
This manual was developed to assist correctional managers in meeting Commission standards governing the operation of correctional facilities, correctional institutions, and detention centers. The first section consists of the revised standards. A cross reference familiarizes the reader with the codification changes and the different descriptors used to simplify references to particular regulations. The definitions section clarifies terminology and minimizes problems with interpretation of standards compliance requirements. The compliance criteria and explanations explain the intent of the standards and recommend methods to meet them; this section should be used as a guide to develop written policies and procedures. The audit process is described in detail; this information should be used by managers to prepare for onsite visits. This section also describes the forms to be used during the audit process and provides several aids to help managers identify documentation to substantiate standards compliance.