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Special Release and Supervision Programs: Two Year Outcome Study, Halfway House/PPT Placements

NCJ Number
M Eisenberg
Date Published
10 pages
This study enamines 2-year release outcomes for a sample of 201 releasees from the Texas Department of Corrections placed into halfway houses, 176 placed in pre-parole transfer (PPT) programs, and 307 releasees not placed in any residential facility. The primary negative outcome used here was return to prison.
The findings showed that halfway houses and PPT placements satisfied legislative goals with no increased public safety risk. Halfway house placements had slightly lower recidivism rates than the general release sample, while representing a higher risk population. The PPT program sample represented the lowest risk population and had the lowest recidivism rate among the groups. Offenders from ethnic minorities, with lower educational levels, and with substance abuse problems or other high risk factors who were placed into residential facilities had lower recidivism rates than their counterparts receiving a general release. Cases requiring vocational or educational assistance and substance abuse counseling seemed to be most positively affected by services associated with placement in residential facilities. 4 tables