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Special Focus: Trends in Policing

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 55 Issue: 4 Dated: (April 1988) Pages: 13-96
J R Vaughn
Date Published
84 pages
Thirteen articles examine various facets of trends in policing, including physical fitness, training facilities and arrangements, lawsuits, management, public involvement in car theft prevention, and the difficulties involved in multiple-subject trials in Italy.
An analysis of the effects of multiple-subject trials in Italy, which have been held for terrorists and organized crime figures, finds that these 'maxitrials' should be avoided whenever possible. The logistical and procedural problems create immense difficulties. A look at Operation Bootstrap, a police executive management training program, precedes two discussions about law enforcement physical fitness. The first describes the major elements associated with program development and implementation, while the second highlights the role of a physical fitness coordinator within a law enforcement agency. Several articles examine police management concerns, including models for high-performance police organizations, a behavioral theory of successful police management, workable fiscal management policies, and city managers' expectations of their police chiefs. Three additional articles discuss the steps involved in opening a police academy, the implications of lawsuits initiated against police departments, and a 'Lock Out Car Theft' public awareness campaign supported by a public-private partnership. For individual articles, see NCJ 111333-113341.