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Special Feature: Reentry

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Date Published

This publication by the US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs provides an overview on reentry.


This brief on reentry by the US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs provides an overview on reentry, types of reentry programming, the Second Chance Act, funding for reentry programs, and information on OJP support for reentry programs. Nearly 1.8 million Americans were incarcerated in prisons or jails at the end of 2021. Most will be released and reenter their communities, some to transitional housing and/or community supervision upon release, but many will be unprepared for reentry, the process by which a person in correctional confinement prepares for release and transitions back into the community. According to a 2021 report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), about 66% of persons released from state prisons across 24 states in 2008 were arrested within three years after release, and 82% were arrested within ten years. Reentry programs give people the support they need to successfully return to their communities after incarceration and can greatly improve public safety. These programs can be delivered within a correctional institution or in the community upon release, but effective reentry planning should start long before release.