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Special Feature: Missing Children

NCJ Number
Date Published

This article provides a listing of information resources and toolkits that support law enforcement efforts to find missing children.


This publication provides information to support law enforcement efforts to find missing children through programming, training; it also describes technical assistance provided by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The publication provides statistics on the AMBER Alert system, publications and multimedia, a link to the AMBER Advocate newsletter, and other related resources such as information about the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). It highlights NCMEC’s 24-hour missing children’s CyberTipline hotline, as well as a Child Victim Identification Program to identify victims of child sexual abuse material. The Special Feature provides a detailed listing of information resources, publications and multimedia, and additional resources on the AMBER Alert for law enforcement practitioners, including a field guide document, AMBER Alert Best Practices guide, and information about the AMBER Alert in Indian Country initiative; information for families, focusing on tools that empower family members of missing and exploited children as well as tools for the prevention of child abduction. It also provides information for justice system personnel and statistics on missing children from entities such as the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Institute of Justice, and OJJDP.