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SP Bookmaking and Other Aspects of Criminal Activity in the Racing Industry

NCJ Number
Date Published
41 pages
The illegal bookmaking industry in Queensland, Australia was examined in terms of its nature and extent, its possible links with organized crime and police corruption, and potential law reforms.
The research indicated that this "SP bookmaking" has been historically involved with police corruption and that the removal of this system of informal police regulation since the Fitzgerald Inquiry will permit the future dominance of SP bookmaking by professional criminals. In addition, it should be considered as part of a broader range of misconduct in the racing industry. However, many tolerate its presence. Most of its business occurs through the telecommunications network, and effective law enforcement will depend on effective liaison with telecommunications carriers and their willingness to try to prevent the use of their facilities for illegal purposes. Options for control include maintaining the current approach, legislative and administrative changes to enhance enforcement measures, and extension of legal gambling. Combining the second and third options would be the most desirable. Footnotes and appended text of law


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