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Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics, 1997

NCJ Number
M Courlander
Date Published
238 pages
This report contains descriptive statistics on the application of the Federal sentencing guidelines and provides selected district, circuit, and national sentencing data for fiscal year 1997 (October 1, 1996, through September 30, 1997).
Two tables address the document submission rate of each circuit and district as well as guideline offenders in each circuit and district. Twelve tables and figures pertain to primary offense and offender characteristics, and eight tables and figures provide data on sentencing. Data cover the distribution of offenders receiving sentencing options; offenders receiving sentencing options in each primary offense category; the average sentence length in each of various crime categories; offenders receiving fines and restitution in each primary offense category; the type of sentence imposed on offenders in each sentencing zone; and the imprisonment rates of offenders eligible for non-prison sentences in selected offense types. Other series of tables and figures focus on guideline application, departures and sentences within the guideline range, drug cases, immigration cases, organizational sentencing practices, and sentencing appeals. Appended descriptions of data files, variables and footnotes, as well as selected sentencing statistics by district