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Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1982

NCJ Number
T J Flanagan, M McLeod
Date Published
690 pages
This sourcebook presents a broad spectrum of criminal justice data (433 tables and 103 figures) in an easy-to-use, comprehensive reference document.
Statistics from 153 sources are compiled in 6 groupings: characteristics of the criminal justice system, public attitudes toward crime and criminal-justice-related topics, nature and distribution of known offenses, characteristics and distribution of persons arrested, judicial processing of defendants, and persons under correctional supervision. Tables and figures for 1982 are cross-referenced with their 1981 edition counterparts, and a subject index is furnished. The appendixes present definitions and methodology for easier comparison between sources. An annotated bibliography of sources is also included, along with a list of the publishers of source documents and their addresses. (Author abstract)