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Soundtrack to (Illegal) Entrepreneurship: Pirated CD/DVD Selling in a Greek Provincial City

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 51 Issue: 5 Dated: September 2011 Pages: 804-822
Georgios A. Antonopoulos; Dick Hobbs; Rob Hornsby
Date Published
19 pages
This study explored how alien conspiracy theory has permeated the understanding of organized crime and how the concept serves to enforce racism.
This paperby using the pirated CD/DVD market in a provincial city in Greece as a case studywill attempt to show how alien conspiracy theory has permeated the understanding of 'organized crime' and how the concept serves to enforce racism and, in particular, the treatment of diasporic communities. The paper will then proceed to interrogate the concept in the context of the local operation of this market in tandem with various legitimate interests and how, despite the exhortations of powerful commercial forces, it is tolerated. (Published Abstract)


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