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Some Questions For and About Community Safety Partnerships and Crime

NCJ Number
Crime Prevention and Community Safety: An International Journal Volume: 1 Issue: 3 Dated: 1999 Pages: 7-16
Sandra Walklate
Date Published
10 pages
This paper examines policy implications of community safety partnerships within the context of crime experiences in two structurally similar high-crime areas in Salford, England.
The two areas comprised predominantly white local authority wards that were similar in many ways, geographically less than 2 miles apart, and known as high-crime areas. The two areas, however, exhibited very different responses to crime. Findings clearly suggested it is necessary to move away from universalistic and/or simplistic solutions to crime in localities and to recognize crime prevention alternatives may have different outcomes than those intended and may challenge conventional views of what is acceptable as a crime problem in particular areas. Alternative interpretations of the concept of community safety partnerships and what such partnerships might address are considered. 24 notes and 1 table