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Some Aspects on Non-Institutional Treatment - Summary Report

NCJ Number
UNAFEI Resource Material Series Issue: 26 Dated: (December 1984) Pages: 155-189
J Kogo
Date Published
35 pages
These papers summarize the presentations and recommendations of four workshops that discussed probation, correctional staff training, problems in correctional administration and treatment programs, work programs, sentencing, correctional processes for juvenile delinquents, and criminological research in several Asian countries as well as Brazil.
The session on probation recommended the use of volunteer probation officers as an immediate way to deal with high probation officer caseloads. Also recommended were the use of the trial record in planning for effective supervision, governmental involvement in the running of halfway houses in Japan, and efforts to reduce probation officers' caseloads. The need for effective recruitment and training of correctional staff and the importance of prison work programs for offenders were emphasized in the second workshop. The third session heard reports on topics such as the definition of recidivism, measures to promote the rehabilitation of prisoners, overcrowding in prisons in Sri Lanka, the home leave system in Iraq, the role of the public prosecutor in Japan, and treatment of drug offenders in Japan. The fourth session heard reports on juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice in Bangladesh, the regional jail system in the Philippines, sources of information on crime, sentencing in Japan, and the issue of capital punishment in Japan.