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Sociopsychological Contribution of Critical Criminology

NCJ Number
Questione Criminale Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Dated: (January-April 1980) Pages: 85-113
G A Mosconi
Date Published
29 pages
This review of current literature on the relationship of deviance, particularly among juveniles, and society reveals the contradictions between the theories and the reforms proposed.
The fundamental hypotheses of Salvini and De Leo regarding the underlying causes of deviance are discussed in detail, together with De Leo's theory concerning the norm, as imbedded in the structure of society and defined by the dominant classes. Deviance is seen as an inevitable playing out of the role assigned to those on the margins of society. The debate between correctionalism and anticorrectionalism points up the contradictions between the theory of deviance as an inevitable result of the inequality of society and the practical need to devise workable means of dealing with the resulting delinquency other than the restructuring of society. A bibliography contains 61 references.