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Social-Situational Context of Sexual Assault of Female Youth

NCJ Number
Victimology Volume: 9 Issue: 3-4 Dated: (1984) Pages: 407-414
K J Gruber
Date Published
8 pages
Investigations of the sexual victimization of females have tended to overlook the young adolescent and focus either on child or adult victims.
National incidence data, however, indicate that young adolescents are at comparatively greater risk of sexual victimization than either children and adults. This relatively greater incidence can be linked to the social experimentation of adolescence and the greater vulnerability youthful females exploring new social worlds and experiences are likely to have. Increased exposure to new people, places, and activities increases offender opportunity and consequently the risk of being sexually assaulted. Examination of the social-situational context of incidents involving youthful victims suggests that an analysis of the context in which many of these assaults are perpetrated may lead to valuable insights in how to prevent future victimizations. (Author abstract)


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