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Social Psychological Influences on the Popularity of Amber Alerts

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 37 Issue: 11 Dated: November 2010 Pages: 1237-1254
Lorie L. Sicafuse; Monica K. Miller
Date Published
November 2010
18 pages
This article reviews the AMBER Alert system.
The AMBER Alert system enjoys widespread public support. Yet evidence suggests that the system may be ineffective and have unintended consequences. Because AMBER Alerts are illusory means of controlling crime, they may be conceptualized as "crime control theater" (CCT) and thus are indicative of a problematic social tendency to address complex issues through simple solutions. This article utilizes principles of social cognition, attitudes, social norms, and symbolic interaction to predict that the AMBER Alert system will persevere despite its disadvantages. This analysis can help account for the popularity of other forms of CCT. It also highlights the need for future research aimed at elucidating the processes responsible for the acceptance of policies that are mere theater. References (Published Abstract)

Publication Format
Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis
United States of America