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Social Impact of Legislative Options for Cannabis in Australia: Phase 1 Research Report to the National Drug Strategy Committee

NCJ Number
D McDonald, L Atkinson
Date Published
356 pages
This report on the Phase 1 findings of research on the social impact of legislative options for cannabis in Australia presents new information that the research team has developed thus far.
One aim of Phase-1 research was to conduct a comprehensive literature review. Another objective was to examine the criminal justice system data that related to minor cannabis offenses in all Australian States and Territories, with attention to South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory (where expiation of minor cannabis offenses is possible), and Western Australia, which has the Nation's most comprehensive available criminal justice system data. The research also examined available information on the impact of the legislative options on school education and public-sector employment. Details on these sub- studies are presented in the seven working papers included in this report. One of the findings regarding general impacts is that changes in the legislation on cannabis and on the patterns of law enforcement, such as those that have occurred in South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory in relation to minor cannabis offenses, have little impact on levels of cannabis consumption. The research also found that enforcing the legislation on minor cannabis offenses is a substantial financial burden on society, with cannabis law enforcement being conservatively estimated to cost some $329 million in 1991-92. This is approximately 73 percent of the total cost of illegal drug enforcement for the year. Findings are also presented for criminal justice system impacts. Recommendations pertain to the research for Phase 2 of the study. A two-part computer diskette of this report is included.

Corporate Author
Australian Institute of Criminology

GPO Box 2944, Canberra ACT, 2601 Australia, Australia

Sale Source
Australian Institute of Criminology

GPO Box 2944, Canberra ACT, 2601 Australia, Australia

Publication Type
Legislation/Policy Analysis