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Social and Behavioral Correlates of Gang Affiliation

NCJ Number
G Knox; P Mcclendon; B Garcia
Date Published
27 pages
This paper reports on a followup survey of participants (97), aged 16-29, in a Chicago training and job placement program, of which over 50 percent reported they were gang members.
Survey instruments were completed by the ex-offenders. The survey was designed to measure a variety of variables, including self-esteem, respect for the law, perceived closure in the legitimate opportunity structure, and self-reported deviance. A number of factors differentiated gang members from nonmembers. Gang members had lower self-esteem, poorer self-concept, higher perceived closure in the legitimate opportunity structure, and lower respect for the law. Gang members were also younger than nonmembers at first arrest. Gang members were twice as likely to be arrested after completing the job training program. 3 tables, 3 figures, 10 footnotes, 11 references. (Author abstract modified)


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