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Snowflake Children

NCJ Number
Child and Youth Services Volume: 29 Issue: 1/2 Dated: 2007 Pages: 1-27
Niall Mcelwee
Date Published
27 pages
This article explores the dynamics of Irish families within the context of Ireland emerging from a history of neglect towards vulnerable populations of at-risk children and youth.
A significant percentage of the difficulties being experienced in schools at the start of the 21st century is largely connected with the very significant changes the Irish family is undergoing, hence the concentration on exploring the dynamics of families. Prior research argues that while locating the primary source of distress within the family, there has been a failure to identify the ecological embeddedness of families in the larger society. Separating at-risk children from their family and community environment and then expecting them to perform and succeed in formal school examinations is fraught with problems as predicting potential success and failure is much more subtle, complex process. Taking account of the needs and views of children is problematic, particularly in Ireland where children have been “owned” by their parents and social policy has been directed at the family rather than the individual child. This article reviews new pathways for analysis being created in relation to youth at-risk in the Irish context. References