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Situational Modelling in Teaching a Foreign Language to Law Enforcement Officers

NCJ Number
Internal Security Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: January - June 2012 Pages: 195-200
Svetlana Denisova
Date Published
June 2012
6 pages
The article analyzes the importance of the use of situational modelling in the process of foreign languages teaching.
The expediency of using a communication situation as the main unit in situational modeling in the unity of its four factors is presented: atmosphere of communication; relations between interlocutors in communication; speech motive; realization of the communicative act itself. Special attention is also paid to the principles of selection and organization of language and speech material in situational modeling. One of the main principles is the principle of individual orientation according to which all the methodical techniques used by a teacher during foreign language practical classes (organization of educational material, exercises, etc.) are interpreted through the prism of the learner's personality, his needs, motives, talents, activity, intellect, and other individual psychological features. This approach leads to the formation of a qualitatively new attitude towards both educational and actual, and professional (potential) activity used in the teaching process of foreign language activity in situational modeling. Personality orientation in teaching foreign languages contributes to clearing the hurdles of fear, of feeling diffident in their abilities, in their current language acquisition, which as a result leads to creation of a positive attitude among learners towards learning a foreign language and the educational process in general. (Published Abstract)

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