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Simulating Fires in Buildings by Computer: The State of the Art

NCJ Number
Journal of the Forensic Science Society Volume: 27 Issue: 3 Dated: (May/June 1987) Pages: 175-188
G Cox
Date Published
14 pages
This paper describes various mathematical models available for investigators to use in studying the behavior of fire in buildings and gives examples of their applications.
Although mathematical models of fire fall into two classes, determinate and stochastic, this review deals only with deterministic modeling, effectively the mathematical analog of the experimental fire test. Two types of deterministic models of the gas phase problem are discussed: zone and field. After summarizing principles underlying the zone model, the article explains the Harvard Computer Fire Code model and cases in which it has been used. The Tanaka model used to describe fire behavior in multicompartment buildings is also examined. Field models reviewed include the Fire Research Station's JASMINE, TASEF-2, FIRES T3, and FASBUS. A summary notes that the least sophisticated model may be acceptable for domestic-sized rooms, whereas the more sophisticated zone models are particularly useful for hypothesis elimination and training. In addition, modelers will always need data from fire tests as input to their models. Graphs, diagrams, and 20 references. (Publisher abstract modified)