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Simple Screening Instruments for Outreach for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse and Infectious Diseases

NCJ Number
Date Published
83 pages
Based on a consensus process involving researchers, clinicians, program administrators, and patient advocates, this volume presents two screening instruments, one for alcohol and other drug abuse and one for infectious diseases, that are designed to be able to be rapidly administered by a wide range of providers and relatively simple to score and interpret.
The instruments are flexible and applicable to diverse populations. The document describes considerations involved in the development of these instruments and offers guidelines for their use in field tests. Topics include the domains measured by the instrument, the administration of the instrument, and referral issues. The volume also presents guidelines for training personnel in the use of these instruments and discusses legal and ethical concerns, especially in the area of confidentiality. Glossaries, checklists, and appended list of panel members, discussions of cultural sensitivity, and 7 references