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Should Mental Patients Be in the Prison Hospital?

NCJ Number
Journal of Prison and Jail Health Volume: 5 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring/Summer 1985) Pages: 46-54
C Swett
Date Published
9 pages
During a one year interval, 71 patients were appropriately transferred, statewide, from mental hospitals to a prison hospital because of unmanageable violence and a major mental illness.
A total of 48 subsequently committed an aggressive act while in the prison hospital. There were decreased rates of violent acts among the older patients in the prison hospital. Violence tended to occur early in the prison hospitalization and was associated with a longer length of stay. Early discharge was associated with a greater tendency to be re-admitted to the prison hospital. Review of available records showed that 74 percent of the patients had been involved in violence before their original admission to the mental hospital. The patients might be better served by treatment in a suggested medium security facility. (Author abstract)