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Should Australia Have an R 18+ Classification for Video Games?

NCJ Number
Youth Studies Australia Volume: 29 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2010 Pages: 9-1
Daniel King; Paul Delfabbro
Date Published
March 2010
9 pages
This article examines the issues of the current rating system for video games with explicit adult content.
The subject of whether video games with mature or adult content should be restricted from sale in Australia represents a complex social issue. Under the current classification system for video games, any game deemed unsuitable for people under the age of 15 is banned from sale in Australia. With reference to relevant supporting literature, this paper presents a critical summary of the arguments for and against the introduction of an R 18+ rating for video games. Analysis of the key issues reveals that the R 18+ rating issue encompasses matters of accessibility versus restriction of adult material, censorship versus freedom of creative expression, parental versus governmental responsibility, among many other considerations. It is concluded that the known benefits outweigh the perceived but empirically insubstantial risks of introducing an R 18+ rating for video games in Australia. References