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Shopping Center Security: A Tactical Problem

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 39 Issue: 4 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 76-80
D W Story; M A Black
Date Published
5 pages
A combination of uniformed and plainclothes police officers to patrol the interior and exterior of shopping centers can effectively reduce retail business offenses.
While many shopping centers have security staff to deal with offenses occurring in common areas such as parking lots and larger stores have individual security to combat in-store crime, local police departments also have a vested interest in providing protection on and around the shopping center property. Conspicuous uniformed patrol offers a deterrent effect, but this alone may not be enough. A tactical team of plainclothes police officers can be effective, and the number of people assigned to a shopping center team will depend on the size of the police department and the scope of the problem. Team members should be self-motivated and be able to work in a creative manner without close supervision. They should also have a good knowledge of laws pertaining to retail business offenses. Communication skills are important as well, since team members will come into contact with a wide variety of people. A tactical team can be effective inside and outside the shopping center. Further, an effective team operation does not have to be a continuous effort in one shopping center. Operations can be integrated throughout the entire business community, with only random time spent in a shopping center.